#liek - free snapple facts



Who let the dogs out?

03:27 <Skyblayde> I fucked up. I tried to be a Dragon amongst Dragons. I get it, i'm not. All I ask now is permission to idle as is the #suidrewt way and only speak when spoken to, and learn from you all in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> I will ride on my own credibility in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> and attempt to build/establish myself with good deeds.
Set by: matt



phix: 2774
bubbles: 1194
nokio: 1180
argonator: 657
matt: 251
syrius: 250
sloat: 250
syrius_: 241
bryno: 239
squirmy: 235


phix: 5836
nokio: 1542
argonator: 696

#liek @ EFNet stats by Matt

Statistics generated on Monday 17 August 2020 - 22:29:10
During this 5779-day reporting period, a total of 459 different nicks were represented on #liek.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Chars per lineLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 Betrayed305366849481307998234339.7today"man I don't even have cable." Betrayed
2 bradley203539495941292082326940.1yesterday"and we trolled him for a minute"
3 Sloat201306629311072572635530.7today"anyone can do it, it's really not that hard" Sloat
4 Tom1913641038639323953534630233.4today"<oh tom itz snapley> an0ther day perhapz" Tom
5 syrius17844171721118865750732.0today"lol some enclosure mounts, your subzero bong thing" syrius
6 Belial6517414963254632404239.9today"isn't he the guy that was fucking with phix?"
7 vcv5552855479680225351776634.0224 days ago"i went on a nokio vacation" vcv
8 mari0339252916877314363787334.14 days ago"for whatever reason, i have major issues with my vpn on iOS"
9 Nokio330759259333780391244027.1465 days ago"leaving for a much needed vacation tomorrow. and yes, she does."
10 Shinigami25079616814097959954327.82421 days ago"nah. Nobody likes chicago.l" Shinigami
11 Matt1950645896165444885726.78 days ago"we got both our dogs near there" Matt
12 shane19444585710616682584429.42660 days ago"omg, that is not me, ive googled my name before" shane
13 Syber19246360611138448451.0yesterday"we shouldn't be shaming anybody whose tightness isn't technical"
14 banned15960367513355339561125.11822 days ago"is the gas can keeping the extension cord in plaec" banned
15 Phix15620280315626339491625.61770 days ago"you better bring my kick lotto back to life nilla" Phix
16 freaka13072298617213585478025.357 days ago"but i meant in the penis pants parts place"
17 resin1269826804259549928.11102 days ago"could be something in the bios" resin
18 KMF12554223010714113514027.82544 days ago"a webcam that is always on? fuck dat"
19 plot1220222635653302607242.7yesterday"it was too lacking back then" plot
20 unknown1206334513204533224.23396 days ago"not much.. just work... same old shit"
21 vip1032834412853591510825.2971 days ago"they will be 14 and 15 in october" vip
22 NeoV1023311207784821351428.33541 days ago"btw shells.neovanglist.net should be back up soon" NeoV
23 cryr1007527136971692497334.2today"its pretty lame...too many ppl camping everywhere" cryr
24 sigkill962413834882338541526.0today"anyone else with ruckus wireless equipment?" sigkill
25 bud944696329043518206135.318 days ago"CONGRESS aint gonna do shit"
26 Steve762917162602273338035.32687 days ago"only in NYC can you not buy a 24oz soda" Steve
27 Ash611120961163274521.54755 days ago"i just have to look pretty" Ash
28 argonator551710833881461258576.32442 days ago"This is apocryphal Quake C.. Like a accent of C."
29 MKR44144221796216735.31894 days ago"What happened? Not sure I was around" MKR
30 karl_139761185235243151.3325 days ago"<thadood> which includes recently"

These didn't make it to the top:
qaz (3884) tac (3760) Lithium (3561) Skyblayde (3543) thadood (3105)
Nita (2376) seth (1872) lednerk (1801) KxK (1694) Shaft (1542)
Jax (1474) dirt-nap (1378) bryno (1343) forgotten (1231) ratdance (1198)
fox` (1122) RX (951) CodeBlue (935) Dennis (858) Kachu (630)
johnny56- (593) KTBaer-19 (497) turi (464) loosh (365) suidrewt (328)
rhk (296) bostom (284) peter_ (226) Chiefmojo (223) Yatzee (218)
phinegeek (205) lindz (197) ardnew (197) ccitt (195) mptank (193)
d0nfry (193) nita_ (179) magnet (175) PaC (173) KTBaer (171)
d3xsoul (155) imension (147) LycanDark (146) Dracula_X (139) mc (135)
spyco (126) di0de (125) johnny569 (121) SintPanda (115) cow_crap (108)
quizy (107) ryoh (107) ttb (105) johnnyerf (105) cts (105)
zephyr0 (101) Funkwheat (100) TooCool (99) vigilante (96) olive (96)
airness (95) setient (94) ur4n1um (88) Moparx (86) oh tom itz snapley (86)
buddy (81) cokebot (79) tramshed (79) Laris (78) jasites (76)
betrayed (74) supfool (72) never_ (71) betrayed3 (70) chalupa (68)
ivx502 (65) Darc (64) ennui (63) FattyXP (60) dan` (60)
skelm (59) PortSurfr (58) eviltoast (55) mistical (54) blue` (53)
sect0rok (52) Jason| (52) Super Paul (52) betrayedu (48) EPIK (46)
Celery (45) in70x (44) impetus (44) Zofc (43) harry (43)
don (39) phos (38) Corvin (38) mort (36) thombuntu (36)
HerrKevin (36) donny (35) ink- (32) maqic (31) zsircusr (31)
derail (30) lev_ (28) godmode (26) Lithise (26) ZephyrV (26)
gleet (25) varialus (25) Darn (25) cowman (24) divine_ (23)
JazzieB (23) zzap (22) phantomci (22) punzada (22) KTMarxBaer (22)
phixOBAMA (21) plot3 (21) Syber` (21) JSAUZ0cra (21) whamo (20)
Hatefuck (20) becast (20) sF|admira (19) prtr` (19) d0nny (19)
brakk3n (19) Richmond (19) Plus (19) wetwet (19) AuToFiRE (19)
mls577 (19) Mateo (19) sloaft (18) root_ (17) quark_ (17)
latez- (17) g_unit (17) chatter (16) Dark|Work (16) zelzin (16)
cath0de (15) m1k3y11 (15) Xempest (15) slimeball (15) an0de (15)
Al_ (15) KevinOwns (14) ratd4nce (14) slash__ (13) cryr__ (13)
blackl1nu (13) dap (13) r4tdance (13) motolov (12) suppie (12)
javacake (12) yeldarbly (12) sloat (12) SUP3RN3T5 (12) raege (11)
Ginguin (11) wispurs (11) chercheik (11) becast_ (11) scurvy (11)
don85 (11) Milkezor (11) acidoklys (11) ZEROGOD (11) MikeJ (10)
l!l dong€r ₿ (10) gary`` (10) chuck_ (10) Duo` (10) hater (10)
slort (10) r4tr00t (10) hrisa (9) haxme (9) cruxetern (9)
Peter` (8) slaort (8) vx0 (8) literate (8) chrono (8)
soli (8) guns007sy (8) CHANFIX (8) pcman (7) ratr00t (7)
joe`` (7) OS-6181 (7) rootdance (7) cryr` (7) bradley2 (6)
zi (6) aldosbo (6) Duoeheh (6) evil_gonz (6) astrodog (6)
ubel- (6) wngchn (6) Belial- (6) kaie-bot (6) panda`_ (6)
tomas (6) sub (6) x-script1 (6) PlotSucks (6) delYsid`V (5)
DWWJHMgar (5) tpl (5) KTKillEmAllBaer (5) lode_radi (5) Shadow100 (5)
jenny (5) jason__ (5) r47d4n3 (5) Tommy Boy from Bahstin, kehd (5) wooby-sch (5)
blacklin2 (5) pamfkong (5) matsuura (5) the_pang (5) kt19 (5)
SAWGOS (5) Kroh (5) ityab0y (5) spartan11 (5) r4tr3wt (5)
LK (5) AndChat| (4) Matilda (4) karlton (4) WOOHOO (4)
Hjorrdis (4) dalia^ff (4) biRk (4) katie-bot (4) biff` (4)
wink (4) HaNnI (4) PeSkKoLL (3) blocked (3) karlton__ (3)
Zelutos (3) Lawrence (3) MCF3778 (3) b0b4 (3) DeewaNiii (3)
nion (3) blacklinu (3) consume (3) ArchDance (3) coop (3)
kittymeow (3) FMP2EPmle (3) knubbze (3) DieHard (3) Renari (3)
real_mr_t (3) d3xtr0se (3) LOLHI (3) CrazyPale (3) venkiezzz (3)
WonkBot (3) EndCiv (3) HjorrdisI (3) zephyr2 (3) gary_` (3)
r_l_stine (3) xxpt (3) [Kyle] (3) Principe (3) ltcd-- (2)
Pashkov_A (2) two__ (2) d-_-b (2) tuxlovesy (2) CO_SELINK (2)
AmericanM (2) luldangs (2) Efnet^ (2) r4troot (2) eyee (2)
AC426 (2) Ya_ALLAH (2) thesame (2) Cyclods_ (2) cryr_ (2)
slavamas (2) aheeet (2) greenbott (2) L- (2) ferrosity (2)

By the way, there were 129 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Tom - 10386 Betrayed - 84948 Betrayed - 130799 Betrayed - 82343
2 Nokio - 9259 Sloat - 62931 bradley - 129208 syrius - 57507
3 Betrayed - 7276 bradley - 49594 syrius - 111886 Tom - 46302
4 syrius - 7172 Tom - 39323 Sloat - 107257 Sloat - 26355
5 Shinigami - 6168 Belial - 14963 Tom - 95353 Belial - 24042
6 shane - 5857 vcv - 9680 Belial - 25463 bradley - 23269
7 vcv - 5547 mari0 - 8773 vcv - 22535 vcv - 17766
8 Sloat - 4763 Syber - 3606 mari0 - 14363 Nokio - 12440
9 Matt - 4589 Nokio - 3337 Syber - 11138 Shinigami - 9543
10 banned - 3675 bud - 2904 Nokio - 8039 Matt - 8857

Big numbers
Is Steve stupid or just asking too many questions? 21.1% lines contained a question!
ratdance didn't know that much either. 17.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was sigkill, who yelled 8.6% of the time!
Another old yeller was cryr, who shouted 7.9% of the time!
It seems that freaka's shift-key is hanging: 8.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <karlton__> <freaka> AND IM DOC TARR

shane just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.3% of the time.
shane is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 267 times.
For example, like this:
     * shane- slaps Shinigami.

Shinigami can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 112 times.
Poor shane, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 69 times.
For example, like this:
     * mari0 smacks shane across the face

Tom seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 66 times.
unknown brings happiness to the world. 7.8% lines contained smiling faces. :)
forgotten isn't a sad person either, smiling 7.5% of the time.
bryno seems to be sad at the moment: 5.4% lines contained sad faces. :(
ratdance is also a sad person, crying 3.4% of the time.
argonator wrote the longest lines, averaging 76.3 letters per line.
#liek average was 34.8 letters per line.
Nita wrote the shortest lines, averaging 19.0 characters per line.
Ash was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.5 characters.
Betrayed spoke a total of 2448637 words!
Betrayed's faithful follower, bradley, didn't speak so much: 1546321 words.
Pashkov_A wrote an average of 43.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.72 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Tom (160 names) plot-----, tom_____, kaboofa_, kaboofin, Tom`clean, boofie, treevus, chuck_, kaboofaV6, kaboofix, Tom\Prom, Tom\Movie, Kaboof, boof`work, Tom^A^D, tom|clean, bublsort_, TomDebian, plotter, boofa|out, tom, chuck____, kboofa, TomWork, thomason, snusmumri, TomUnHere, tom__, tom1, kaboofski, Tom`PA, Tom------, thom, mari0, boofa|sle, tom_, boof|nas_, kaboofa-v, bublsort, Snufkin_, bobberton, Panda, Shinigami, tom|gone, boofa|na1, not_tom, SloatPlus, kaboofa`, boofworks, tom___, Tom\sleep, `sudo, KaboofaUT, boof|nas, boofski, tomCleani, Tom`Gone, unload, tom______, Macoofa, panda`, fix-, boofaOut, Tom`class, tomPorn, kaboofa__, t--------, plotmykik, tom`busy, imhotep, plot, HopkinFro, Tom^A-d, `Tom`, slout, kaboofix_, sloap, boofzilla, SadKaboof, tomoofa, foobaka, bubblesor, Tom``, Tom[sleep, TomSleep, TomLunch, Tom^A-d_, tom`out, boof32, thomsley_, Tom`bed, smokeh, kaboofa`b, foobaka_, boofwork, boof2, boofnasty, phoneoofa, boofa-UT, norris_, ...
2 Betrayed (152 names) Be_, Betrayce, ticket, jasons, Nokio, bephone, be-p, drbetray, be-2, jason, beetrayed, Vergessn, vergesse1, be-kin, betrayed_, bradley, rayed, Johnthony, Your_mom, kaie, drbetraye, W4rg0d, iBe, be-nds, Skyblayde, betrayeDD, zephyr0, BetrayedI, Be-irgini, be1, Betoo, Popo, verraten_, grownuph1, cryr, testerb, safespace, vergessen, vcv, be-window, ratdance, wargod1, Be-virgin, iBetrayed, Mom, Katie, qaz, cucked, humptom, Ghostbe, verraten, sloatface, be-dick, be-, slutdance, Matt_E, cheesemur, jason13, vietrape, be-mirc, Wargod_, becgi, be-new, Warogd, bee, Culture2, Greenland, Jason_, suidrewt, WhiteB, betrayed1, Sloat, beds, syrius, Ratdunce, Be-mint, Betrayed, be-test, abcd1234, zsircusr, betrayed2, Thelord, xem, BlackB, Be-irssi, ass, be22, abe, Veratten, _betrayed, Jason|, be-xbox, Ratdance-, the_real, Be-tray, be-ds, jaaason, Tom, bet, o_o, ...
3 qaz (111 names) qaz`anime, qazizza, wallyworl, qaz, qaz`ent, qazDas, ucantQuie, sudonim, qaz------, aldosbo, qaz_, qaz`hiv`f, qaz`ga, qaz`jp, qaz`tenis, qaz`slpn, qaz`money, zaq, qazdd, Betrayed, qaz`jpn, qaz`wrk, qazjpns, abel`, qaz`howor, _slEEp, qaztennis, abes, qaz`devmo, qaz`d3, tenisuWO, qaz`house, q[Az], qaztastic, qaz`roadt, qaz`tenni, dragonsla, csmatch, brkdanceb, skoob0t, qaz`wareh, qaz`kwrnt, poopin, francis, qaz`py, sleepb0t, qaz], qazmnypit, disappear, qaz-, qaz`notpa, sleepb0rt, rise^nckr, qazzz, sl33pb0t, sleep0t, qaz`pax, qqaz, qaz`, qAZ````, qaz`rainy, qaz`uga, qas, qaz`-`-`-, e-Sheep, qaz^, qazDash, GAbound, qaz`bday, qazeSpana, qazinator, ubel, dreamwrec, qaz`georg, qaz`bosto, qaz-`, Fsheathin, sleeping-, tUs4Ever, qazx, qazxbox, qaz`spang, qaz`slp, qaz-_-, sleepb0tv, qaz`hiv-, slpn-blac, qaz`padaw, qaz`gym, hopeful, occupiLie, qaz`afk, Mr[Qaz], qaz`work, abel, qaz`tacos, tenisuWOs, evilabel, qazwrk, qazS, ...
4 Phix (101 names) phixxxx, n2`Phix[a, Phix_16, vagio, bubbles, phixYOENI, Phix|brew, vagio9003, _Phix, phixBAMA, Phix|mex, kills, notphix, phixSIEST, cutie579, Phix|stud, Che, Phixstudy, sl4pchop, phicks, phixSTATE, fordnut, RedMagic, Phix`, phixdrunk, doja, fiEro, BigBrown, PHIXx0r, Phix---, Dhix, OhioSt, PhixIt, Lebowski, cruxetern, SC2-4LYFE, Alabama, cause, minusm, virssi, FIX, cruxSTEEL, phix11, K1LL4, phixBDAY, Jeremy3, gay4Phish, OhioState, daBEARS, TIMALLENp, SC2-4LYF3, phix_, phox, phixREFS, phlax, Phix-, kewsh, pancho, phix, PHIX0rr, Phix|WORK, cruxLSU, phix0r, Phix|TTow, afk, phix3, Livestron, marc_c, _Dhix, Vanity|ho, Betrayed, sc2-4prez, McQueary, Sloat, phixx, phix|golf, hmaN, Phix|FRA, phixsad, ZeMo|HmaN, fixx, PhixzZz, phixMAMBA, McQueary_, phixoBAMA, Saban, smdbrian, mr^Phix, Clemson, K1LL4|0G, fixSIESTA, phixy, phic, KMF, Phix|ATL, TIMALLEN, phixHEAT, Phix0r|CS, cohle, phix2, ...
5 Sloat (67 names) GuideMBP, bukataou, Betrayed, solar, syrius, slowt, sloat{fd}, sloat, kirc7BC9, humperdoo, sloght, Skoat, sliat, slont, ManOffice, sloagt, sloat1, liquor, tom}, sloat`, Phix, sloatx, life, sloot, Steive, LINUXASS, sloat-, sloat[fd], ohare, vcv, bloat, sql, sfart, PckleRick, sloatom, tacojoint, noobnoob, s1047, slaot, slout_, alf, sloatman, soat, sl04t, sloat{}, winterr, Hackerman, sloat[af], Broat, aidsbutt, Tom, bradley, scroat, rhinojs, MrDickSuk, WarAss, sloat[], apple, anyone``, Steve, sloat_, JudgeGod, Nokio, sloart, sloet, CaptPenis, maaatt
6 bradley (61 names) bobby, bradley, bro-adley, hatehate, sloatthet, MrEmo, they, Nokio, OSHA, ANGRY, brabley, yeldarb_, el_jesus, cumstain, darealcar, cishetero, Pink_Brad, MarthaSte, ubuntu__, Herb, bradey, quitter, cucksage, rapeley, fuck, hateincar, rape, willywank, yeldayb, triggered, yeldarb, cuckley, fuck_, they123, ubuntu_, realcarl, mrRapey, Matt, clippy, fucklife, jim, timmy, thecows, brad_, Betrayed, Sloat, kite, epar, bigot, muhammad, manbearpi, zasadab03, MostPalon, tampon, bradley_, chlamydia, exor, Defeated, hate, sloatIII, ubuntu
7 shane (48 names) chr0nic, gha, shane2, pen15, dontbanme, PTCruisin, shaneMIRC, PRIZyM, ISIRCX, damnthats, Virii, Shaneisco, shane21, shane----, priz, shane3, itsshane, srMEEEEEE, shane_, shane--, |shane|, tokin, Shiane-, shaneOPRA, ShanesPen, shane0, itdoes, someniger, sigkill, lightsout, mari0, no_questi, D4VE, someniggr, notshane, hahaNIGGE, shnae, shane, shane|, Shane-, pW|shane, PrIzYm2Kf, shane1, akai, shaner, shane`, dslgfadrj, nigger`
8 vcv (48 names) zephyr0, badass, vcv-, vcv--, vcvphone, bit, vcv-airpo, vcv-home, BuckyKatt, FattyXP, MKRsucks, vcv-on-th, vcv-alf, vcv-hotel, vcv-phone, Nokio, notvcv, boredom, wordpress, vcv``, SloatSuck, vcvairpor, vcvv, Betrayed, bit[], Matt, not-vcv, WWWWWWWWW, vcv-poopi, vcvw, wolfdick, Sloat, sappyvcv, vcv-work, bradley-, vcv__, vcv`, Bro-cv, vcv, vcv_, vcfucking, volatileb, volatile-, vcv-l, suck, vcv-theca, vcvhotel, lednerksu
9 vip (47 names) eyeball, osx, vip564, `vip_, vip549, mecha`afk, veyep, mvip, `vip, vixc, mech`away, baboon, `vip-, vip__, vip`, mecha, vip, scrat, napalm_, robot, vip_, vip`_, gngsta, vip|bx, Grimm, [vip], _`vip950, warmachin, vip-, Rafiki, bonkrz, viop, raw, evilaudio, outoftown, _vip, voltron, v|KoB, vip62, mecha_, vipwtf, crnk, `afk, Goblin, galaxy, plot, `vip__
10 Nokio (45 names) xXNokioXx, JamJoom, xNokioX, goodtoast, kjf, maw_ree_o, lay`z`boy, Nokio`, NokioX, fuckoff, xNokio, xxnioj, bradley, erkyhghag, StoNokio, xNkio, StoMokio, Nokio, tch, ergukergh, Nokio```, NiggerMag, syrius, Betrayed, Sloat, NokioChil, OnlyNokio, steve----, Nokio_, xokio, goat`, NokioSkoo, ATTACK`, Nokio-Sch, DefBot, Nkio, SwineFlu`, nokio``, Tokio, same, freakb, mawreeoh, BORG`, vcv, xNokioXx
11 Shinigami (45 names) Death-, Class_D, Death_-, Evil_God, Death_Sch, KC_Guest2, Shini|NN, _Death-, Kyuuketsu, Death|Awa, Death`, DeathXI_, Death-_, Sendohisa, Dave``, deathonpi, Death-`-, Tom, TheGinger, Death__-, D347|-|, Kaze_No_K, Death_Cla, Kaizoku_V, Death, Sucks_, Shini, Death_, Shinigami, Death--, GingerBre, Kachu, Death`-, DarkCow, DeathIX, DeathLinu, Shini|Awa, Death__, Death_Sle, DeathXI, Lelouchde, Shinobi_V, _Death_, Death-`, Death_-_
12 KMF (37 names) kmf_, SuperTout, PlotGone, drnk2nite, tonic, kikmyf1ip, kilwhitey, cody_, kikmyflip, v0dka, sasquat, kikmeflip, h8conrad, KMF`, kik_, KMF, kickmefli, CODY, sasquatch, kickflip, iR1337, c-dub, jewbacca, KMF_NC, no1bush, kickmyfli, kikflip, kikmtflip, kmf_lt, Phix, TimeOut, BowtoPlot, IamNEO, WangChun, deskjocke, plot, SprTimeOu
13 Steve (35 names) Efnet-, Steve`, steve---, boobies, SteveClas, DJ-Steva, Stevetray, SteveInCl, Steeve, steve--, SteveCell, syrius, Nokio-, StevEZ`, steveokio, Steve-, LiL-StEvE, Sloat, Guest7344, steve_, stevoofa, Steeeve, serious-, st3vE, steveoofa, `Steve, Steve, St3v3, SteveBed, Efnet^, Fyre-, Fyre`, Esteban, lay`z, steve__
14 sigkill (34 names) kreayshaw, sig, baby_jesu, sigkill, lullaby-, garyj, gary``, sig`, babyjesus, s1gkill-, ratdance, shane, g_unit, gary__, sigkill-, g_money`, gmoney`, s1gkill, Gary2, jesus`, jesusjuic, s1gnal_9, gary_, sigkill`, b4byjesus, gary`, jesus2, s1gkill`, gary-, sigkill_, blackkat, s1gnal_9`, sigkill``, gary
15 mari0 (30 names) jesse, mario[YZ], someguy, mari0`not, mari0__, Tom, mari0, god`, mari0|, mari0-mad, mari0-out, SuprMario, plot, mar1o, mari0--, mari0_, Skoden`ma, [WaR]mari, mari0-, xMaRiOx, dTk-Mari0, mari0`, maria, mari0_o, [H]MaRiO, Ms`Cleo, plotsucks, GoD--, mari0-NH, mari80
16 syrius (29 names) syrius``, syrius|wo, syr`work, MKR, ButtSlut6, syrius__, Matt, syrius, Betrayed, sybot_, Sloat, sickarius, yeldarBB, _syrius, hitlerIRL, syriu8s`, matt___, horsedick, syrius___, Nokio, syrius`wo, cryr, syrius`, sybot, Broius, uglyt, syrius_, Tom, syrius_2
17 seth (28 names) seth-, seth-DoD, seth`slee, seth`clon, seth-cs, seth, seth|, tyhfk, seth`cs, seth-scho, redir, sinnocent, seth`DoD, seth`, Redir_, seth|nap, dudleyi, seth`nap, sethorz, seth|out, di, dinnocent, seth--, dsi, redir`, sethy, turboSeth, seth``
18 unknown (27 names) eric___, _unknown2, _unk[la], unknown, cir_e, unknown--, unknown[l, unknown-, unknown__, Eric_, _unknown_, `unknown_, eric__, _unknown`, cire, unknown`, e_ric, unknown``, __unknown, unknown_, unk[la], _unknown1, _unknown, unknown_1, eric``, `eric-, `unknown
19 banned (24 names) New_orlea, banned--, da--, Orleans, mari0-jew, bannedbot, MARlO, da, banned-, banned-wa, banned, banned---, plot, banned`, banned_bo, testuser2, da-, baned-, yoyoyo, b-wan-pus, banned-su, blah__, basdfasdf, banned-p
20 cryr (23 names) cryr`, jikjak_, Nick__, cryr_, i8sorrow, sorrow``, cryr, cryr`__, sorrow, cryrDEADw, cryr-, sorrow`, jikjak, Nick___, cakebox, syrius, jakespit, illtown, Betrayed, cryrc, broryr, cryr`_, sorrow_

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 23998 Tom
2 think 23852 Tom
3 would 21053 Syber
4 there 20133 Tom
5 people 16165 Belial
6 going 15873 bradley
7 fucking 15212 Belial
8 <thadood> 12327 Tom
9 because 12288 Syber
10 right 12166 Belial

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 bradley 56413 syrius
2 bradley 17151 Tom
3 Betrayed 12174 Belial
4 argonator 10544 bradley
5 Sloat 9026 Tom

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 5499 Sloat
2 :( 4249 syrius
3 :P 2544 Sloat
4 :/ 2046 root_
5 :D 1907 syrius
6 :p 914 ratdance
7 ;) 855 Betrayed
8 ;p 546 Sloat
9 ): 455 Tom
10 D: 431 Belial

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://sysadminfury.org/quotes.txt 57 Tom
2 http://angrycoder.org/quotes.txt 43 Tom
3 http://flexo.angrycoder.org/quotes.txt 35 Tom
4 http://classic.beatport.com/search?query=Julius+Hilbert+Care 26 cath0de
5 http://www.liek.net 26 mari0

Top potty mouths
 Nick Number of Uses
1 Betrayed 23348
2 bradley 18157
3 Tom 12924
4 syrius 10925
5 Sloat 7543
6 Belial 7111
7 vcv 3538
8 Nokio 3036
9 mari0 1733
10 Syber 1394

Other interesting numbers
Phix wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1200 times!
For example, like this:
     *** phix was kicked by syrius

syrius seemed to be hated too: 191 kicks were received.
Tom is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 861 people!
Tom's faithful follower, Betrayed, kicked about 647 people.
Tom donated 2079 ops in the channel...
Betrayed was also very polite: 1641 ops from him/her.
Betrayed is the channel sheriff with 274 deops.
syrius deoped 123 users.
Shinigami always lets us know what he/she's doing: 1548 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Death- drools

Also, Betrayed tells us what's up with 1469 actions.
bradley talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 6863 times!
Another lonely one was Tom, who managed to hit 3792 times.
johnnyerf has quite a potty mouth. 16.8% words were foul language.
johnny569 also makes sailors blush, 4.1% of the time.

Latest Topics
sweet baby jesus keep tom safe from the tropical death 11 days ago at 09:01 by Belial
plandemic free since '93 15 days ago at 11:41 by bradley
invisible china virus free 15 days ago at 07:49 by Belial
at 43% it comes parasitic, at 50% it becomes genocidal 20 days ago at 15:20 by Tom
my back is broken. spinal. 21 days ago at 09:44 by Belial
The topic was set 1406 times.
Total number of lines: 1710508.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 03 minutes and 40 seconds