#liek - Steve is a christian.



Who let the dogs out?

03:27 <Skyblayde> I fucked up. I tried to be a Dragon amongst Dragons. I get it, i'm not. All I ask now is permission to idle as is the #suidrewt way and only speak when spoken to, and learn from you all in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> I will ride on my own credibility in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> and attempt to build/establish myself with good deeds.
Set by: matt



phix: 2774
bubbles: 1194
nokio: 1180
argonator: 657
matt: 251
syrius: 250
sloat: 250
syrius_: 241
bryno: 239
squirmy: 235


phix: 5836
nokio: 1542
argonator: 696

#liek @ EFNet stats by Matt

Statistics generated on Monday 17 August 2020 - 22:15:35
During this 365-day reporting period, a total of 42 different nicks were represented on #liek.

Most active times
0% 0% 0% 0.7%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Chars per lineLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 bradley29691353221135489140.1today"its a fairly broad indicator"
2 Tom21269675910230414749.1today"<katiekins> haha guns and guitars" Tom
3 Betrayed1845072287486370944.0today"i just figured go fresh what could go wrong" Betrayed
4 Belial1517541936782416342.1today"also, don't drink anything carbonated with kratom"
5 syrius134123609574321433.9today"i think i'm going to kill myself" syrius
6 Sloat130344477803444131.1today"bradley: can you fix it though?" Sloat
7 Syber795115324494192351.8today"and prime has plenty of kiddie shit, and i'll keep that anyway"
8 karl_139761185235243151.398 days ago"<thadood> 20tb drives incoming"
9 thadood6705815327918030.6today"And there's a podcast where they listen to a band's worst album"
10 freaka490353629712228.165 days ago"All over him smacking him around"
11 ratdance467241042469344.8today"My reward to being the Husband Snow Blower (powered by Nordic Pal"
12 qaz435161186523647.6yesterday"Was he telling you about Arch Linux?" qaz
13 bud207491401846.83 days ago"im proud of you jason. you're normal, weird."
14 mari01959989744.1today"Not much more to be embarrassed about"
15 KTBaer171314688633.453 days ago"i just heard the oh my god part"
16 mc102584439.754 days ago"that user management nonsense"
17 Laris78186043.2179 days ago"that gives us all news on new exploits and stuff?"
18 plot54252954.2yesterday"they arent allowed to talk bad about native americans either" plot
19 gary``533103925.929 days ago"I think he meant MAOI deficiency (often provided by DNA test comp"
20 Super Paul5174448.453 days ago"I’m like man. I can make that true."
21 sigkill3311151625.7145 days ago"the southern border needs a moat" sigkill
22 oh tom itz snapley202031.955 days ago"oh man, not ony your upholstery, but your rectum too"
23 Nita2013718.1today"Time to pick up my devil child"
24 Chiefmojo161629.639 days ago"glad to see some of yall are still alive"
25 ratd4nce1415832.7232 days ago"did he ever hand original suidrewt chan over to you?"
26 r4tdance13164235.0today"That name (Nokio) keeps coming up. Another Eric? family maybe?"
27 betrayed1321130.553 days ago"As a father of two I say beat em"
28 chercheik116516.5168 days ago"i feel it was unfairly done..."
29 dirt-nap832352.426 days ago"They do that as a confidence booster. Same reason why during the"
30 Belial-621324.0176 days ago"that poop wasn't even enjoyable."

These didn't make it to the top:
r47d4n3 (5) karlton (4) fre4ka (3) vcv (3) ltcd-- (2)
buddy (2) Nokio (2) haxme (2) bryno (2) ennui (1)
Matt (1) donger123 (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 syrius - 264 Betrayed - 7228 bradley - 21135 bradley - 4891
2 Tom - 133 Tom - 6759 Tom - 10230 Belial - 4163
3 bradley - 133 Sloat - 4477 syrius - 9574 Tom - 4147
4 Sloat - 82 Belial - 4193 Sloat - 8034 Betrayed - 3709
5 thadood - 58 bradley - 3532 Betrayed - 7486 syrius - 3214
6 Belial - 37 Syber - 1532 Belial - 6782 Syber - 1923
7 freaka - 35 karl_1 - 1185 Syber - 4494 Sloat - 441
8 KTBaer - 31 syrius - 360 karl_1 - 2352 karl_1 - 431
9 Betrayed - 27 thadood - 153 freaka - 297 qaz - 236
10 ratdance - 24 qaz - 118 thadood - 279 thadood - 180

Big numbers
Is ratdance stupid or just asking too many questions? 18.2% lines contained a question!
Sloat didn't know that much either. 13.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was thadood, who yelled 12.7% of the time!
Another old yeller was freaka, who shouted 12.7% of the time!
It seems that bud's shift-key is hanging: 11.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <bud> YES ALL THE ABOVE

syrius just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.0% of the time.
qaz is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * qaz slaps Matt around a bit with a large trout

bradley can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor Matt, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 2 times.
For example, like this:
     * qaz slaps Matt around a bit with a large trout

Sloat seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
mari0 brings happiness to the world. 3.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
qaz isn't a sad person either, smiling 1.4% of the time.
ratdance seems to be sad at the moment: 5.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
mari0 is also a sad person, crying 1.0% of the time.
Syber wrote the longest lines, averaging 51.8 letters per line.
#liek average was 41.9 letters per line.
freaka wrote the shortest lines, averaging 28.1 characters per line.
thadood was tight-lipped, too, averaging 30.6 characters.
bradley spoke a total of 224748 words!
bradley's faithful follower, Tom, didn't speak so much: 177670 words.
Matt wrote an average of 10.00 words per line.
Channel average was 7.84 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Betrayed (15 names) jason, trayed, Vergessen, Betrayed, Vergesse1, betrayed1, betrayed_, Nokio, jason-, J4son, freaka, rayed, Tim-apple, etrayed, Popo
2 qaz (10 names) qaz`afk, abes, abel, qaz`howor, qaz, qaz`slp, qqaz, qaz`wrk, qaz-, qaz`howrk
3 Sloat (9 names) solar, sloat_, sloart, MrDickSuk, noobnoob, sloat, winterr, vcv, Hackerman
4 Tom (8 names) thomsley, kaboofa, tom__, thomsley_, kaboofa_, tom_, karlton_, tom
5 Belial (6 names) pilgrim``, Belial-, Belial`, pilgrum, Belial, aeronix
6 bradley (5 names) bradley, bradley_, realcarl, darealcar, clippy
7 ratdance (4 names) r47d4n3, user, ratdance, ratski
8 karl_1 (4 names) karl_3, karl_1, karl_, karl_2
9 freaka (3 names) Betrayed, freaka, fre4ka
10 mari0 (3 names) mari0`, mari0-, mari0
11 bud (3 names) buddy, bud, dubmai
12 thadood (2 names) doodums, thadood
13 bryno (2 names) bryno, bryno_
14 karl_ (2 names) karl_, karl_1
15 dirt-nap (2 names) dirt-nap, dirtnap
16 Laris- (2 names) Laris-, Laris
17 donger123 (2 names) DT2020, donger123
18 Laris (2 names) Laris-, Laris
19 syrius (2 names) syrius, syrius_
20 vcv (2 names) Sloat, vcv

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 <thadood> 4890 Tom
2 <KTBaer> 3604 Tom
3 think 2647 bradley
4 about 2621 bradley
5 <katiekins> 2473 Belial
6 <katiebear> 2113 Tom
7 there 2086 Sloat
8 going 1814 bradley
9 would 1735 bradley
10 <Belial> 1681 Tom

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Tom 846 Tom
2 Sloat 302 syrius
3 Nokio 198 Tom
4 syrius 187 Belial
5 bradley 159 Belial

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 132 bradley
2 :( 109 Sloat
3 :/ 44 ratdance
4 :D 30 syrius
5 :P 28 Sloat
6 D: 23 Sloat
7 :-( 21 Tom
8 :p 19 Betrayed
9 ;) 16 syrius
10 ): 13 Belial

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 https://github.com/MatMoul/archfi/blob/master/README.md 4 Belial
2 https://www.twitch.tv/amouranth 3 Belial
3 https://imgur.com/r/nokio/bg2ePP8 3 Betrayed
4 https://imgur.com/a/w9Exb 3 bradley
5 https://i.imgur.com/prcM6fg.png 3 Sloat

Top potty mouths
 Nick Number of Uses
1 bradley 2328
2 Tom 1948
3 Betrayed 1826
4 Belial 1557
5 syrius 934
6 Syber 668
7 Sloat 403
8 karl_1 367
9 bud 35
10 freaka 26

Other interesting numbers
syrius wasn't very popular, getting kicked 5 times!
For example, like this:
     *** syrius was kicked by jason-

karl_1 seemed to be hated too: 2 kicks were received.
syrius is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 5 people!
syrius's faithful follower, bradley, kicked about 2 people.
jake_g2 donated 258 ops in the channel...
ratdance was also very polite: 93 ops from him/her.
bradley is the channel sheriff with 3 deops.
Betrayed deoped 2 users.
Sloat always lets us know what he/she's doing: 33 actions!
For example, like this:
     * sloat shrugs

Also, bradley tells us what's up with 29 actions.
bradley talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 1048 times!
Another lonely one was Tom, who managed to hit 566 times.
sigkill has quite a potty mouth. 2.4% words were foul language.
KTBaer also makes sailors blush, 2.1% of the time.

Latest Topics
<thadood> shoot lasers at babies <thadood> idgaf today at 13:09 by Tom
#liek | will 2020 happen? | 10:50 < karlton_> <katiekins> i eat my own shit. 2 days ago at 20:27 by bradley
#liek: if you don't chew big red then fuck you. 4 days ago at 07:26 by Belial
ie | somtimes i feel like katie don't have a partner. sometimes i feel like he's aloneeeeeeeeeeee. it's the city he live in, the city of mexicoo 7 days ago at 13:15 by Belial
ie | free counseling (restrictions apply, KTBaer $5/mo) | somtimes i feel like katie don't have a partner. sometimes i feel like he's aloneeeeeeeeeeee. it's th 7 days ago at 13:11 by Belial
The topic was set 121 times.
Total number of lines: 130437.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 18 seconds