03:27 <Skyblayde> I fucked up. I tried to be a Dragon amongst Dragons. I get it, i'm not. All I ask now is permission to idle as is the #suidrewt way and only speak when spoken to, and learn from you all in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> I will ride on my own credibility in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> and attempt to build/establish myself with good deeds.
Set by: matt
phix: | 2774 |
bubbles: | 1194 |
nokio: | 1180 |
argonator: | 657 |
matt: | 251 |
syrius: | 250 |
sloat: | 250 |
syrius_: | 241 |
bryno: | 239 |
squirmy: | 235 |
phix: | 5836 |
nokio: | 1542 |
argonator: | 696 |
#liek @ EFNet stats by Matt
Statistics generated on Tuesday 22 July 2014 - 20:59:04
During this 366-day reporting period, a total of 83 different nicks were represented on #liek.
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
= 0-5 |
= 6-11 |
= 12-17 |
= 18-23 |
| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Chars per line | Last seen | Random quote |
Userpic |
1 |
syrius | 23100 | | 29.6 | today | "efnet shit its pants today :\" |
2 |
Betrayed | 16701 | | 35.8 | today | "i dont need blood/sweat/lube fucking my read up if i need my gun" |
3 |
Sloat | 14155 | | 29.2 | today | "Dennis-: not while exor is an oper" |
4 |
Tom | 13680 | | 26.7 | today | "so we're gonna be opless forever" |
5 |
Belial | 2511 | | 38.7 | today | "don'" |
6 |
Jax | 1297 | | 39.0 | 22 days ago | "what's the "defaults" parameter under <OPTIONS>" |
7 |
resin | 1292 | | 34.0 | today | "watching sports on cable is a fucking nightmare for me" |
8 |
argonator | 1224 | | 88.1 | today | "Its frozen out there. oooh boy..." |
9 |
sigkill | 768 | | 22.4 | today | "resin, i have some dutch dragon" |
10 |
vip | 634 | | 33.5 | 16 days ago | "I bet it's going to be awesome in Beirut" |
11 |
Phix | 588 | | 21.9 | today | "he sells orange off the 405." |
12 |
bryno | 545 | | 29.0 | today | "Mon Dec 31 2012 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)" |
13 |
lednerk | 513 | | 36.3 | today | "" |
14 |
Dennis | 473 | | 35.5 | today | "sloat's real name is Pat, so it should be a no-brainer as to whic" |
15 |
cryr | 447 | | 40.8 | yesterday | "yeah, not good enough for snow" |
16 |
Nokio | 381 | | 32.3 | today | "what's the command for weather reports here?" |
17 |
bradley | 311 | | 32.8 | today | "lol this is just too hilarious" |
18 |
plot | 265 | | 39.6 | 24 days ago | "" |
19 |
vcv | 243 | | 24.3 | today | "advice: dont resize partitions on the fly" |
20 |
forgotten | 239 | | 24.9 | today | "define('DB_USER', 'wb'); // Your MySQL username" |
21 |
freaka | 175 | | 21.6 | 45 days ago | "while there's still cat to be fucked" |
22 |
Matt | 152 | | 40.0 | today | ".. his email was being used as a spam relay" |
23 |
L- | 141 | | 29.5 | 205 days ago | "kinda like how theres ext2/3/4" |
24 |
loosh | 129 | | 38.9 | 147 days ago | "he has given me unspeakable power" |
25 |
spyco | 126 | | 23.8 | today | "hey you know klono is on here too right bryno ? ;)" |
26 |
ratdance | 124 | | 36.9 | 7 days ago | "it really is neat to watch" |
27 |
Steve | 118 | | 26.7 | 180 days ago | "previously i worked in finance for a smaller food company" |
28 |
SintPanda | 115 | | 31.7 | 131 days ago | "Why would anybody download that ._." |
29 |
qaz | 97 | | 48.1 | today | "that goes against everything i was raised to believe" |
30 |
d0nfry | 92 | | 38.2 | 291 days ago | "nope, they are both real companies" |
These didn't make it to the top:
ryoh (87) |
shane (69) |
chalupa (68) |
slont (66) |
ivx502 (65) |
boofworks (62) |
Wargod (56) |
belial`` (56) |
dirt-nap (51) |
Zofc (43) |
ink- (32) |
PortSurfr (31) |
lev_ (28) |
MKR (27) |
godmode (26) |
varialus (25) |
zephyr1 (23) |
Mateo (19) |
slout (18) |
blackl1nu (13) |
tom___ (13) |
phixOBAMA (11) |
OS-6181 (7) |
phixx (7) |
chones (7) |
blacklin2 (5) |
plot^ (5) |
Ch0nes (4) |
seth (4) |
setient (4) |
WOOHOO (4) |
blacklinu (3) |
DeewaNiii (3) |
LycanDark (2) |
thesame (2) |
cakebox (2) |
lindz (2) |
KMF (2) |
miaw (1) |
boredJDR (1) |
Red_Marlb (1) |
mls577 (1) |
serious (1) |
blackl1n1 (1) |
Jim101 (1) |
sqrrl (1) |
Esteban (1) |
Dunklezah (1) |
Moparx (1) |
mari0 (1) |
ubel (1) |
hxhdj (1) |
Most active nicks by hours |
0-5 |
6-11 |
12-17 |
18-23 |
1 |
syrius - 1742
Betrayed - 4315
syrius - 13286
syrius - 8017
2 |
Tom - 928
Sloat - 4272
Tom - 8820
Betrayed - 4370
3 |
resin - 267
Tom - 1523
Sloat - 8640
Tom - 2409
4 |
argonator - 236
Jax - 231
Betrayed - 7913
Belial - 1289
5 |
Nokio - 196
lednerk - 163
Belial - 1045
Sloat - 1069
6 |
Sloat - 174
vip - 124
Jax - 884
argonator - 796
7 |
Phix - 172
bradley - 106
lednerk - 296
resin - 718
8 |
SintPanda - 115
Belial - 105
Phix - 269
sigkill - 664
9 |
Betrayed - 103
bryno - 81
resin - 268
cryr - 305
10 |
vip - 88
Phix - 70
bryno - 265
Dennis - 228
Is sigkill stupid or just asking too many questions? 20.1% lines contained a question!
bryno didn't know that much either. 16.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Nokio, who yelled 7.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was sigkill, who shouted 4.3% of the time!
It seems that vcv's shift-key is hanging: 9.9% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <vcv> NOW
sigkill just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.4% of the time.
Steve is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 9 times. For example, like this: * steve` slaps sloat around a bit with a large trout
qaz can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 7 times.
Poor Matt, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 7 times. For example, like this: * qaz slaps Matt around a bit with Tux, the Linux Penguin
Betrayed seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 4 times.
Jax brings happiness to the world. 5.4% lines contained smiling faces. :)
forgotten isn't a sad person either, smiling 4.2% of the time.
bryno seems to be sad at the moment: 6.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
Jax is also a sad person, crying 3.5% of the time.
argonator wrote the longest lines, averaging 88.1 letters per line.
#liek average was 31.8 letters per line. |
freaka wrote the shortest lines, averaging 21.6 characters per line.
Phix was tight-lipped, too, averaging 21.9 characters. |
syrius spoke a total of 131669 words!
syrius's faithful follower, Betrayed, didn't speak so much: 122990 words.
Jim101 wrote an average of 17.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.19 words per line.
Users with most nicknames |
| Nick |
Names Used |
1 |
Tom (19 names) |
Dennis, chuck__, snufkin, tom__, boofski_, Tom, boofwork, boofski, boof2, boof, tom______, tom___, boofzilla, booftop, kaboofa_, boofzila, kaboofa, tom_, chuck____ |
2 |
Betrayed (16 names) |
kaie, Betrayed_, Fuckyou, betrayed, Betrayed-, be-dick, Thelord, be-sa, betrayed1, be-droid, be-new, Greenland, Vergesse1, Be-mint, Vergessen, abcd1234 |
3 |
Phix (15 names) |
phixdrunk, phixBAMA, phixMAMBA, phix, fordnut, phixSIEST, phixsad, phixx, PhixIt, McQueary_, fixSIESTA, phix0r, FIX, phix3, phixoBAMA |
4 |
spyco (13 names) |
|-018jd, |implee|, spyco-, asd89h9h, spyc0, spychoe, HaagenFAI, HaagenDDo, spyco, spyco_, spyco^m, implee, MrJaangle |
5 |
qaz (12 names) |
qaz`notpa, qaz`ent, qaz`fring, qaz, qaz`ga, ubel, qaz`slp, qaz`d3, qaz`wareh, abel`, qaz`wrk, zaq |
6 |
Jax (9 names) |
jax_, JaxReveur, underscor, jax, aJax, JackRev, J4x, JackReveu, x00Jax |
7 |
Matt (8 names) |
Matt--, syrius, Matt, Matthew--, Matthew_, Mateo, Matthew-, Matthew |
8 |
lednerk (7 names) |
lednerk-, ledwerk, lednerk_, lednerk, pikajew, led`w0rk, leNDerk |
9 |
vip (7 names) |
vipwtf, vip_, vip549, `vip, _vip, galaxy, vip |
10 |
Sloat (6 names) |
sloat, sloagt, sloat_, ManOffice, slout, slaot |
11 |
ratdance (6 names) |
notrat, ratdance, rattroll, notratdan, ratdance_, OS-6181 |
12 |
bradley (4 names) |
bradley, yeldarb_, brad_, yeldarb |
13 |
Nokio (4 names) |
fuckoff, Nokio`, xNokio, nokio`` |
14 |
syrius (4 names) |
syrius`, Matt, syrius_, syrius |
15 |
forgotten (4 names) |
_forgotte, forgotte1, forg0tten, forgotten |
16 |
sigkill (4 names) |
sigkill, gary__, gary, gary_ |
17 |
godmode (4 names) |
abitask-2, godmode_, godmode, abitaskew |
18 |
Dennis (4 names) |
Dennis|, Dennis, Dennis-, Tom |
19 |
Zofc (3 names) |
Zofc, Zofc_Work, _Zofc_ |
20 |
loosh (3 names) |
loosh, looshfoo, wave |
| Word |
Number of Uses |
Last Used by |
1 |
would |
926 |
Betrayed |
2 |
about |
914 |
Betrayed |
3 |
think |
816 |
resin |
4 |
there |
807 |
Betrayed |
5 |
fucking |
529 |
syrius |
6 |
going |
448 |
argonator |
7 |
because |
433 |
Betrayed |
8 |
right |
388 |
argonator |
9 |
something |
385 |
resin |
10 |
people |
376 |
resin |
| Nick |
Number of Uses |
Last Used by |
1 |
Sloat |
444 |
Belial |
2 |
syrius |
302 |
Betrayed |
3 |
Betrayed |
224 |
sigkill |
4 |
Tom |
201 |
Betrayed |
5 |
Phix |
87 |
Betrayed |
| Smiley |
Number of Uses |
Last Used by |
1 |
:( |
476 |
Tom |
2 |
:) |
322 |
qaz |
3 |
:P |
258 |
syrius |
4 |
:D |
220 |
syrius |
5 |
:/ |
218 |
resin |
6 |
;) |
57 |
syrius |
7 |
\o/ |
51 |
Tom |
8 |
;( |
48 |
resin |
9 |
D: |
37 |
syrius |
10 |
:p |
37 |
Betrayed |
| Nick |
Number of Uses |
1 |
syrius |
1379 |
2 |
Betrayed |
908 |
3 |
Tom |
782 |
4 |
Sloat |
568 |
5 |
Belial |
272 |
6 |
resin |
98 |
7 |
argonator |
60 |
8 |
Jax |
54 |
9 |
Nokio |
53 |
10 |
Phix |
46 |
Other interesting numbers |
Phix wasn't very popular, getting kicked 314 times! For example, like this: *** FIX was kicked by tom
syrius seemed to be hated too: 18 kicks were received.
syrius is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 122 people!
syrius's faithful follower, Tom, kicked about 94 people.
syrius donated 245 ops in the channel...
Tom was also very polite: 221 ops from him/her.
Betrayed is the channel sheriff with 50 deops.
syrius deoped 36 users.
Sloat always lets us know what he/she's doing: 123 actions! For example, like this: * sloat shrugs
Also, Betrayed tells us what's up with 93 actions.
syrius talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 638 times!
Another lonely one was Tom, who managed to hit 177 times.
vcv has quite a potty mouth. 3.0% words were foul language.
Mateo also makes sailors blush, 2.7% of the time.
Everyone in #liek wishes you a happy new year! .... Nah I'm just kiddin', get bent |
today at 10:56 by Sloat |
Nokio moves to Honduras to take care of the 'family business' -- More at 11. :: How much sloat could a sloat sloat sloat if a sloat sloat could sloat sloat? |
6 days ago at 23:56 by Tom |
Welcome to #liek :: Nokio moves to Honduras to take care of the 'family business' -- More at 11. :: How much sloat could a sloat sloat sloat if a sloat sloat co |
6 days ago at 23:56 by Tom |
Countdown to the end of the world: Gangnam style |
11 days ago at 19:07 by syrius |
Countdown to the end of the world: 6 billion years |
28 days ago at 09:54 by Sloat |
The topic was set 96 times. |
Total number of lines: 89220.
Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 13 seconds