[ #liek - We miss our cows ]



Who let the dogs out?

03:27 <Skyblayde> I fucked up. I tried to be a Dragon amongst Dragons. I get it, i'm not. All I ask now is permission to idle as is the #suidrewt way and only speak when spoken to, and learn from you all in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> I will ride on my own credibility in the mean time.
04:51 <Skyblayde> and attempt to build/establish myself with good deeds.
Set by: matt



phix: 2774
bubbles: 1194
nokio: 1180
argonator: 657
matt: 251
syrius: 250
sloat: 250
syrius_: 241
bryno: 239
squirmy: 235


phix: 5836
nokio: 1542
argonator: 696

#liek @ EFNet stats by Matt

Statistics generated on Tuesday 22 July 2014 - 20:58:16
During this 332-day reporting period, a total of 66 different nicks were represented on #liek.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Chars per lineLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 Nokio623112199502013204924.1today"[10:29] <Phix> ive been liek since b4 u"
2 Tom582012177662000183723.1today"monotize: you should be using a font manager or smth" Tom
3 Betrayed530510762215190435.9today"( freedom. )" Betrayed
4 Sloat47831251277243494729.0today"manual mode didn't work either :(" Sloat
5 Phix2691435932127322.4today"how long u been waiting to do that" Phix
6 freaka2305280190693114224.4yesterday"imagine if you put the same amount of time in"
7 vip179141651483625.24 days ago"hrm I guess I might get it" vip
8 resin10368824069529.0today"seriously im just now looking at what addeventlistener does" resin
9 Belial5788812836037.8121 days ago"phix can't even see his dick when he tinkles. but i don't see the"
10 plot516277640434.8yesterday"i must be using an old version" plot
11 cryr371663327232.247 days ago"im watching the sopcast...i had to dl it" cryr
12 Steve3581119115329.4yesterday"i havent been in here the same time as matt in like 6 years" Steve
13 Matt225171307825.5yesterday"i started working on it, added mode_to_prefix/prefix_to_mode" Matt
14 Lithium2003716226.7182 days ago"especially since credit is so tight" Lithium
15 Wargod18259626125.7116 days ago"nothing much, rewriting a pythong bot I started then gave up on"
16 banned13346137419.14 days ago"http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/visualbasic/files.html" banned
17 tac9212631741.140 days ago"you work for comcast? my wife workd there, got laid off a year ag" tac
18 jasites767636.4144 days ago"well, keep waiting until next friday"
19 MKR74561840.43 days ago"Sloat, do you know of any good documents that cover windowsx.h?" MKR
21 sigkill68234420.359 days ago"gay niggers are from there" sigkill
22 Chiefmojo575719.1293 days ago"im not into the music scene like i once was"
23 Shaft54404924.979 days ago" i washed like 5 loads of clothes yesterday" Shaft
24 KMF50292132.4125 days ago"i am still playing around with my themes for this thing"
25 unknown44323921.991 days ago"yea, i take that stance pretty much all the time"
26 vcv414120.8290 days ago"goverment took 45% of my bonus" vcv
27 Shinigami373122225.798 days ago"actually it's almost time for me to go to bed" Shinigami
28 Darn25516424.5138 days ago"<wargod> I'll cut that bitch open from cunt to throat"
29 cowman24151812.2230 days ago"where is that burger flipping homo anywaya"
30 AuToFiRE1915450.2156 days ago"but btu nokiooo when will they arrive?"

These didn't make it to the top:
Dark|Work (16) raw (14) suppie (12) wispurs (11) acidoklys (11)
MikeJ (10) d3xsoul (9) cruxetern (9) Belial`` (7) NeoV (6)
spartan11 (5) zephyr1 (4) r_l_stine (3) birk (3) xmascake (2)
ennui (2) resin__ (2) ferrosity (2) tears (1) Wonkbot (1)
Sal (1) wen (1) mib_f837v (1) imension (1) rightmeta (1)
willing (1) mari0 (1) bonkrz (1) comparing (1) seth (1)
KanyeWest (1) mib_ziohq (1) mib_7m25f (1) aloysius (1) lucid (1)
krono (1)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Nokio - 1219 Sloat - 1277 Sloat - 2434 Nokio - 2049
2 Tom - 1217 Betrayed - 1076 Betrayed - 2215 Betrayed - 1904
3 freaka - 280 Nokio - 950 Nokio - 2013 Tom - 1837
4 Sloat - 125 Tom - 766 Tom - 2000 Phix - 1273
5 Betrayed - 110 Phix - 435 Phix - 932 freaka - 1142
6 resin - 88 vip - 416 freaka - 693 Sloat - 947
7 Belial - 88 freaka - 190 vip - 514 vip - 836
8 cryr - 66 Wargod - 59 resin - 240 resin - 695
9 Phix - 51 KMF - 29 Steve - 191 plot - 404
10 banned - 46 Dark|Work - 15 Matt - 130 Belial - 360

Big numbers
Is Steve stupid or just asking too many questions? 25.7% lines contained a question!
Belial didn't know that much either. 15.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Nokio, who yelled 9.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was Wargod, who shouted 6.0% of the time!
It seems that Phix's shift-key is hanging: 9.6% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:

freaka just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.6% of the time.
Steve is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 6 times.
For example, like this:
     * steve- smacks boofa's ass

Nokio can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 5 times.
Poor Phix, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * vip slaps Phix around a bit with a large trout

Nokio seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 4 times.
Matt brings happiness to the world. 5.8% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Betrayed isn't a sad person either, smiling 2.3% of the time.
resin seems to be sad at the moment: 1.9% lines contained sad faces. :(
Matt is also a sad person, crying 1.8% of the time.
tac wrote the longest lines, averaging 41.1 letters per line.
#liek average was 27.3 letters per line.
banned wrote the shortest lines, averaging 19.1 characters per line.
Phix was tight-lipped, too, averaging 22.4 characters.
Betrayed spoke a total of 38996 words!
Betrayed's faithful follower, Nokio, didn't speak so much: 29594 words.
willing wrote an average of 18.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.36 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Phix (38 names) K1LL4, RedMagic, Phix, Che, Phix|mex, Phix`, Phix|ATL, cruxLSU, cruxSTEEL, OhioSt, phixBAMA, Lebowski, _Phix, Alabama, _Dhix, Phix|WORK, pancho, NotPhix, sl4pchop, gay4Phish, Jeremy3, Clemson, kewsh, Phix-, BigBrown, OhioState, cutie579, Saban, Livestron, PHIX0rr, Phix|TTow, Dhix, vagio, cruxetern, K1LL4|0G, Phix0r, phixy, virssi
2 Betrayed (20 names) betrayed2, verraten, veratten, be-mirc, Vergessen, bentham, betrayed_, be-test, beetrayed, verraten_, betrayed, be2, betrayed1, beds, Vergesse1, wargod, be_, be-ds, be-window, _betrayed
3 Tom (19 names) tom___, Nokio, Macoofa, tom`, treevus, BoofWorks, kaboofa_, tom__, boofnasty, mot, imhotep, Tom, boof_work, boof, tom_, kaboofa, slout, boofa, mot_
4 Nokio (14 names) Tokio, SwineFlu`, erkyhghag, lay`z`boy, StoNokio, ergukergh, Nokio``, xNokio, xxnioj, Nokio, Nkio, StoMokio, NiggerMag, Nokio`
5 vip (13 names) raw, `vip, vip, Goblin, Rafiki, bonkrz, vip_, veyep, _vip, vip-, vip`, warmachin, osx
6 Steve (11 names) Steve-, lay`z, steveoofa, Steve, `Steve, Steeve, Stevetray, Steeeve, steveokio, st3v3, steve--
7 freaka (8 names) fre4ka, franz, `freaka, freaka, DJ_Freaka, DJFreaka, freaka`, franz__
8 Sloat (7 names) sloat-, sloat_, sl04t, sloart, sloat, sloet, sloot
9 resin (6 names) monotize, resiny, resinwork, resin, resin__, resin_
10 Matt (5 names) Matt--, Matthew--, Matt, Matthew-, Matthew
11 banned (5 names) banned, banned---, banned-, da-, banned--
12 Shinigami (4 names) Death-, KC_Guest2, Death--, Shinigami
13 Shaft (4 names) shaft`, shaft-, shaft, wen
14 acidoklys (4 names) ASSid_ohy, acidoklys, ASSidohya, ASSidoyea
15 tac (3 names) tac-, _tac, tac
16 NeoV (3 names) Neovangli, NeoV, NeoV_
17 vcv (2 names) vcv, vcv_
18 bentham (2 names) bentham, Betrayed
19 Wargod (2 names) wargod, Betrayed
20 Darnn (2 names) Darnn, Darn

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 there 155 Sloat
2 about 120 Phix
3 fucking 112 Sloat
4 debug 104 Tom
5 would 97 resin
6 TIMEOUT 90 Nokio
7 right 86 resin
8 think 85 resin
9 phone 64 Sloat
10 should 59 Betrayed

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Sloat 117 Betrayed
2 Phix 68 Betrayed
3 Nokio 49 resin
4 vip 35 Phix
5 freaka 34 Nokio

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 207 Betrayed
2 :( 138 Sloat
3 :D 65 resin
4 :/ 49 resin
5 :P 47 resin
6 :p 28 Betrayed
7 ;p 22 resin
8 ;) 19 Betrayed
9 D: 15 Tom
10 ;D 10 resin

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://liek.net 12 Betrayed
2 http://rain.angrycoder.org/quotes.txt 9 Tom
3 http://angrycoder.org/~tom/rape.php 9 Betrayed
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6u8NTRjbsc 7 Tom
5 http://break.com 7 Betrayed

Top potty mouths
 Nick Number of Uses
1 Tom 423
2 Nokio 383
3 Sloat 220
4 Betrayed 198
5 freaka 154
6 Phix 115
7 resin 64
8 vip 60
9 Belial 40
10 plot 34

Other interesting numbers
Phix wasn't very popular, getting kicked 81 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Phix was kicked by freaka

Nokio seemed to be hated too: 43 kicks were received.
Tom is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 90 people!
Tom's faithful follower, Betrayed, kicked about 48 people.
Tom donated 306 ops in the channel...
Betrayed was also very polite: 259 ops from him/her.
Tom is the channel sheriff with 35 deops.
Betrayed deoped 31 users.
Nokio always lets us know what he/she's doing: 335 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Nokio` suks

Also, Sloat tells us what's up with 119 actions.
Tom talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 115 times!
Another lonely one was Nokio, who managed to hit 103 times.
KMF has quite a potty mouth. 2.7% words were foul language.
Shinigami also makes sailors blush, 2.0% of the time.

Latest Topics
#liek: VB5 AOL Progz Developer Discussion (also scrolling/phading) 11 days ago at 13:10 by Tom
DID I SAY YOU COULD WEEB?! 12 days ago at 02:46 by Nokio
#stoners [QOTD] Q: how much sloat could a sloat sloat sloat if a sloat sloat could sloat sloat? - A: none, because a sloat can't sloat sloat 17 days ago at 23:42 by Tom
Q: how much sloat could a sloat sloat sloat if a sloat sloat could sloat sloat? - A: none, because a sloat can't sloat sloat 17 days ago at 21:35 by Nokio
how much sloat could a sloat sloat sloat if a sloat sloat could sloat sloat? 30 days ago at 20:02 by Tom
The topic was set 148 times.
Total number of lines: 39337.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 06 seconds